YouTube.com - "Pua O Ka Makahala" by Katie Stevens I'i
Comments: Here's a beautiful love song with kind of a bitter twist. According to Hawaiian scholar Kihei DeSilva, the song says that the lover's attraction to others has undermined the relationship. Here's what huapala.org says about this song: Composed, in 1916, by the grandmother of Vicki I'i Rodrigues. Her husband, John, a composer in his own right, wrote Makee Ailana. There are several blossoms known as makahala. 1) wild tobacco with long narrow yellow flowers, 2) day cestrum with small white tubular flowers, 3) orange cestrum with long narrow blossoms, 3) red cestrum, 4) cape honeysuckle. I learned this song from O'Brian Eselu's recording, which included the move to a minor chord in the first and third lines of each verse. This may be a modern ad...
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