Comments: Takagi Boo is a famous comedian in Japan. And, he is a musician of the Hawaiian music. I come to want to listen to this album when the summer of every year. All tracks are recommended!! Please listen to "The Pidgin English Hula". [Released 1998]
(Last Updated By: Site Admin - 12/20/2011)
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YouTube.com - Ukuleles, Ashbory Bass & Vocals - Pidgin English Hula
Comments: This is a one-man-band version of the great old song "Pidgin English Hula", written by Charles King in 1933. The Makaha Sons covered this song in 1996, after which I fashioned this version. I threw in some pictures of our last trip to Waikiki for mood effect, as this is a song about being frisky in Honolulu. This is my first time I recorded and mixed a song using a Zoom H4 recorder. It is also the first time I have recorded myself playing the Ashbory bass that I bought about a month ago, which uses rubber strings. No effects have been used on any of the vocals or instruments; what you hear is exactly how the H4 recorded it. Equipment used: o Zoom H4 Recorder o Martin T-1 tenor ukulele (rhythm) o Johnny Marvin "Airplane Bridge" Tenor Ukulele...
(Last Updated By: Site Admin - 12/20/2011)
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