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  Videos (2 items)      [Add Video] - Kanaka Waiwai           Comments: Melveen Leed (short video glitch towards the middle)
       Goto Pactice Studio
       Performing Artist:  Not Specified
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    (Last Updated By: Site Admin - 12/20/2011) Last Validated: 12/20/2011 Report link as:  [Valid] [Invalid] - Kanaka Waiwai           Comments: This song is a story from the Bible about the rich man ("Kanaka waiwai") Jesus meets. The young man asks Jesus how to get to Heaven and Jesus replies, sell all you have and give it to the poor. The young man is unable to give up his wealth and Jesus says "A rich man will never get into heaven". This message resonates with Hawaiians. In the English bible, we are more familiar with the translation that says "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to get into heaven." This song, credited to Johnny Almeida, was reputed to have been submitted for consideration in a church hymnal, but was deemed too much like a hula.
       Goto Pactice Studio
       Performing Artist:  Not Specified
       Website URL:
    (Last Updated By: Site Admin - 12/20/2011) Last Validated: 12/20/2011 Report link as:  [Valid] [Invalid]
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