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  Videos (2 items)      [Add Video] - The Song of Christmas           Comments: This is an awesome song by the group Newsong.
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    (Last Updated By: Site Admin - 12/20/2011) Last Validated: 12/20/2011 Report link as:  [Valid] [Invalid] - The Song of Christmas - Newsong           Comments: by Newsong, Sony ©2006. Sorry no video, just the song. (I wanted to be able to play it on my quicklist.) Lyrics: It's the sound of falling snow As we hurry out to go Caroling with family and with friends It's the laughter in the air By the fireside we share Sweet memories we've made throughout the years And as we gather close With those we love the most Read the story of Jesus Christmas time is here CHORUS Can you hear it The sound of peace on earth It's the song of Christmas Celebrate His birth It's the Chorus that rings in human hearts God came down here with us It's the song of Christmas Mary softly spoke His name As the angel chorus sang Announcing that our Savior had been born And Joseph prayed to God above For this precious gift of lo...
       Performing Artist:  Not Specified
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    (Last Updated By: Site Admin - 12/20/2011) Last Validated: 12/20/2011 Report link as:  [Valid] [Invalid]
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