Iholena (Yellow Core) - Mary Pukui & Kaupena Wong

Aia i hea, kahi Iholena
Eia no, i ke alo nei

Mai no ʻoe a hoʻolale
ʻO piʻipiʻi kai au aneʻi

Maʻaneʻi, mai no ʻoe
A ʻike, i ke kaunu

ʻUnu ʻia a paʻa pono
Hemoʻole i ka ʻūmiʻi

Haʻina ka inoa o ko maʻi
ʻO Iholena mai kēia

Where is Iholena?
Right here in front

Now don`t disturb it
Lest it rise like the waves

Come right over here
And discover the thrill of love

Take a grip and hold fast
Let nothing be released

This is the name of your maʻi
This one, Iholena

Source: Trade Winds CD "Eia Au `O Noelani"- Iholena was a native banana, one the few varieties eaten by women in ancient times. This mele maʻi was composed in the old tradition when significant events in life were honored with gifts of song. Composed in 1973 to mark the birth of a baby, this was first performed at the child's first birthday. Mele maʻi were written in honor of genital's, given a name, and a hope for prolificness.